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Margaret Ewing Fife Letters - 

Discovered by Thomas H. ("Pap") Ewing in fall of 2021, and handed off to Stewart Ewing for safekeeping.


A cache of letters has been found dated between 1980 and 1982 from Margaret Fife to my father Thomas Ewing. The significance of these letters is that they document her journey of thought in researching our family's arrival into Georgia. They also document my fater's contribution to the Georgia part of her book. You've all seen me write of Margaret with fondness and high regard for the incredible research she performed without the benefit of the internet. She invested tremendous time and huge sums of money going to archives, courthouses, libraries, and other sources in the states and abroad. These letters are a testament to her amazing diligence, and very specifically detail her wrestling over whether we came from the Cecil County MD Ewings or those from Cumberland County PA. She finally settled on the latter when she was so close to settling on the former. If only Y-DNA testing had been common then. But if it had, then all this would have been so easy we might have missed all the history behind the lives of my ancestors and not appreciate the value of who they were and how they lived.

1980x_misc - A snippet of "Clan Ewing of Scotland" by EWR Ewing

19800623 - Thank you note to Tom Ewing for information on Thomas Ewing preparing to move to Newton County, and information on other minor items.

19800712 - A discussion on Margaret's search for the parent's of William and Hannah, considering Cumberland Co. PA and conversations with Reid Ewing concerning the Rockingham Co. Ewings.  Also, trying to reconcile info from EWR Ewing's book and facts derived from various deeds, census, and other archival docs.

19800723 - Margaret responding to Tom Ewing concerning the contribution of a large part of his family research to date, which she will eventually use in the last part of her book.

19800926 - More clarification on materials given to Margaret by Tom Ewing in 1980.  Also mentions meeting Tom's wife Carolyn and son Stewart (me).

10801116 - Estate Settlement of William Ewing, mentioning Hannah and Samuel Patillo.

19810115 - Discussion on William and Hannah's children.

19810128 - William Ewing in 1805 lottery and Jackson County, and also a discussion on who the Hancock County William Ewing is, as well as Dooly County.  Lastly, Jackson County tax digest info that places him in Aaron Wood's militia district, near Samuel Patillo and Ely Whaley.  

19810222 - Settles that W.A.D. Ewing is not our William, but doesn't give up on Cumberland County Ewings.

19810318 - Some theories Margaret is working concerning where William came from.

19810919 - Meeting Sidney Alton Ewing at a reunion.  Also, the family of William and Hannah's son Thompson.  Also, still wrestling with the Hancock County Ewings.  Lastly, speculation that William is the same as William in Fairfield District in Ohio, plus a grant of land in South Carolina on Duncan's Creek to a William Ewing.  Lastly, a resume (CV) for Sidney Alton Ewing.

19811013 - Still trying to reconcile William Ewing who married Hannah with William of Fairfield County Ohio or the one in Laurens County SC or Hancock County GA.  Includes a very good map of where William's Jackson County land is.

19811130 - Speculation on William being associated with the William of Laurens County SC, and who Robert Ewing is in Jackson County, speculating he might be a son of William.  Also beginning the speculation that he is the same as a William of Chester County PA.  Includes information on Jones Henderson (grandchild of William and Jackson County land in 1899.  

19820222 - More discussion on SC Ewings and Chester County Ewings.  First mention of Cumberland County PA Ewings and Rockbridge County NC.  A discussion on the Ewings in Elbert County ensues.  She makes her first statement here that she believes the Cumberland County Ewings were all related to those in Elbert and Jackson County.  There is also mention of Ewings in Wilkes and Greene County Georgia.

19820409 - Here Margaret makes her first consideration that a William from Cumberland County PA, son of a John Ewing might be William that married Hannah, and begins to build her story from this point.

19821001 - Still expounding on the Cumberland County PA Ewings as the source for William who married Hannah.  Discussion of Big Springs Presbyterian Church in Newville PA. perhaps supporting her case.  She also strongly considers the involvement of the Cecil County Ewings possibly being the source of James and John Ewing of Cumberland County. Also mentions William from Lancaster and York Counties and other Cecil County people.

19830218 - Settles on William who married Hannah being the son of John Ewing of Cumberland County PA.  Discusses the connection with Coleraine Ireland and Scotland before that.  Discusses some Ewings in Ohio, then goes back and discusses Cumberland County Ewings in depth.

19839999misc1 - Margaret is writing from a cruise trip to Scotland.  Briefly mentions Presley K. Ewing's book and information about Scotland.  

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